The Basic Life Saving/CPR course will be offered by the Indian River County Sheriff's Office. This training course sanctioned by the American Heart Association (AHA), ensures the participants leave BLS Certified by the AHA. This course is led by IRCSO BLS Certified Instructors.

The Sheriff’s Office provides all instructional materials, including Adult/Child and Infant manequins, Bag Valve Masks and training AEDs, leaving each participatant Rescue Ready.

Dr. Barry Garcia, our Medical Director, and Dr. James Betancourt, our Medic Commander, serve as our primary instructors.

This course is offered on a first come, first serve basis.There is a $22.00 per person nonrefundable fee, payable by exact cash or credit card.

A waitlist will be established for the course once all slots have been filled. Waitlist members will be notified when another class is available.

*When the course is complete, you will receive an E-Mail from the American Heart Association to claim your E-Card. IRCSO does NOT provide the physical copy. If you do not claim your E-Card, the AHA does not recognize you have taken the class and you are not BLS Certified. It is not the Sheriff’s Office responsibility to track the status of E-Cards. If you did not receive an email, please contact our Coordinator, Samantha Copeland, at


Indian River County     Indian River County     Indian River County

Stop the Bleed kits are designed to be securely located in a common area, such as a building, office, or warehouse. The contents of these kits are used for handling the most common types of injuries and can make a critical difference in emergency situations where bleeding occurs.

The kits are taught by our certified Stop the Bleed instructors, and participants practice using the items on a bleeding mannequin to simulate real-life scenarios. This hands-on approach allows users to become comfortable with the application of the techniques.

These kits are assembled by our tactical medics, Dr. Betancourt and Dr. Garcia, with classroom instruction provided by Deputy Andrew Ward. They are designed to meet your individual specific needs.

These kits can be purchased from the Sheriff’s Office for $225.00. Please note that this price is for a starter kit. We are not responsible for replacing any items that are used or that have expired, and we do not track expiration dates. Once purchased, the acquiring company assumes full ownership of all inventories.

If you are interested, please reach out to our Health and Wellness Coordinator, Samantha Copeland, at