The Citizen’s Academy is a fourteen week program that provides the public with an overview of the criminal justice system. It offers the community a better understanding of how law enforcement and the public can work together to prevent crime and provide the best service possible.
The Citizen’s Academy is an educational and informative program that allows citizens the opportunity to learn about the issues that affect law enforcement efforts in Indian River County. The goal of the academy is to provide a greater perspective, respect and appreciation for the challenges and decisions law enforcement officers face daily in safeguarding our community.
Those who participate in our Citizen’s Academy will attend dynamic sessions with instruction by court judges, state attorneys, public defenders, as well as members from all divisions within the Indian River County Sheriff’s Office. Students will tour the courthouse, the jail, the 911 center and the Special Operations section. Some of the favorite sessions include a K-9 demonstration and a drug awareness video.
The 66th Indian River County Sheriff's Office Citizen's Academy begins on Wednesday, March 26th, 2025. The class runs from 6:00pm to 9:00pm on each Wednesday. All classes are located in the Indian River County Sheriff's Office Admin Building (Building H) Auditorium unless marked otherwise.
03/26/2025: Orientation / Community Affairs / Customer Service
04/02/2025: Real Time Crime Center / 911 Dispatch / Critical Incident
04/09/2025: Uniform Patrol / Peer Support STAR
04/16/2025: Special Operations / Ag - Marine / K9 / Aviation (Exterior Hangar)
04/23/2025: SWAT / Crisis Negotiation Team (Exterior Hangar)
04/30/2025: Traffic / School Resource Team
05/07/2025: Criminal Investigations / Crime Scene
05/14/2025: Special Investigations / SAFIR Coalition / Homeland Security
05/21/2025: Indian River County Courthouse (IRC Courthouse)
05/28/2025: Corrections (Auditorium/Jail)
06/04/2025: Emergency Services / Training
06/11/2025: Florida Sheriff's Youth Ranches / Project Life Saver
06/18/2025: Graduation